Friday, February 27, 2009

Manitoba Public "Insurance"

MPI. Do they really think we're that stupid? I thought that they were an insurance provider? Maybe insurance companies have all become real estate magnates and we just don't know about it. A freakin shopping mall though? Come on!

Maybe if MPI was concentrating on insurance and not real estate acquisition my insurance for a $5000 car would be less than that of my $150000 house. $80mil for a mall? Blow's my mind. It's about damn time we got some competition for this dictatorship. Wanna save money? Bring in some competition. Damn greedy NDP.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Flag for 'Toba

Do we really need to spend a crap load of taxpayer money on a new flag? We all know this will cost millions, with the committees, and meetings, and design costs. Let's see, we're in the middle of a recession, I know, let's spend a few mill on a new flag we don't need. But it's archaic, and represents british rule. Sure does, it's not like Manitoba is part of the British Commonwealth or anything. It's history people, history. If a bunch of stuffy millionaires can save a doorway, surely us common folk can save a flag.

Shake your head people!